Use graphic design to connect people with your brand and inspire them to create change.

This is an informative, practical guide that will equip you will the basic skills you need to create and share beautiful designs that engage people and inspire them to create positive change. You’ll leave this session with an understanding of basic design principles, how to work effectively with your graphic designer to achieve optimal results, the tools and technology you need to get started, and how to harness the power of good design as a conduit for change.

What you'll learn

  • Why designing for the social sector is different

  • What makes good design, including practical tips and tricks

  • Key design principles, including alignment, consistency, hierarchy and typography

  • The seven-step CATFISH creative method, including:

    • Capturing your idea

    • Assembling your team

    • Tightening your briefs, and how to develop a creative brief

    • Freeing your mind and sharing your vision

    • Iterating the process for rounds of design changes

    • Simplifying your design

    • How did you go - reflecting on the process and extracting key learnings

Additional Resources & Articles

The CATFISH Seven-Step Guide
As highlighted in the video above, Cath has developed a seven-step guide to developing a creative brief and using design as a conduit for change.

8 Basic Principles of Design to Help You Create Awesome Graphics
Here are eight basic design principles from Adobe to keep in mind when working with visuals and creating graphics and highly shareable content.

Canva is a free online graphic design tool (like a simplified version of Photoshop) that is used by non-designers as well as professionals to create stunning graphics. It uses a simple drag-and-drop feature and has a range of templates and designs you can adapt for your purposes.

Unsplash features a huge range of copyright-free, beautiful images and high resolution photos that you can download and use for any project. Better than any royalty free or stock photos.

How to Design a Logo
If you're in the process of creating a logo for your company, you're in a unique position to make a powerful impact on how consumers perceive your brand. This is a step-by-step guide that will take you through nine key steps (with a few tips thrown in) you'll need to take to create an impactful logo.

A Guide to Design Printing
Kwik Kopy created this booklet to help you understand the basics of design and printing, including an overview of colour wheels, typography, paper sizes, types, weights and formats, imagery, image file types, and printing finishing options.


Collaboration Partner


Cath Leach - Creative Director & Founder, Catfish Creative

Cath has over 16 years’ experience as a graphic designer and creative director, enabling purpose-driven brands, non-profits and conservation agencies to engage, create change and demonstrate their social impact through design. She is passionate about using creativity to communicate important science and knowledge in the aim to collaboratively help solve the complex challenges of our expanding world.

Course Handouts